Korean Foods Recipes : Cooking Menu Ddukbokkie
Korean Foods Recipes : Cooking Menu Ddukbokkie
Ddukbokkie is the delicious smell of Korean cities at night. In large Korean cities like Seoul, the streets are filled with vendors selling their own special recipe versions of the most popular street food. Ddukbokkie (it is pronounced roughly like “dok-bok-ee”) is one of the most popular and it comes in various styles. In the example above I used the linked recipe but also added sliced fish cakes and boiled eggs. The sauce is spicy but it is also very sweet and packed with an immense amount of flavor. The spiciness is cut by the long cylindrical rice cakes which, when cooked, become chewy and soft. The rice cakes are probably the most unusual part of the recipe for most westerners but when they try it – they love it.
Korean Foods Recipes : Cooking Menu Ddukbokkie
Korean Foods Recipes : Cooking Menu Ddukbokkie
Korean Foods Recipes clip : Cooking Menu Ddukbokkie